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COG category: Defense mechanisms
Genomic element: chromosome I

Number of genes found: 44

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Leptospira interrogans serovar Copenhageni str. Fiocruz L1-130, Fiocruz L1-130
NameLocus tagProduct / DescriptionGenomic elementTypeBeginLengthStrandGC-content
NA LIC10932 type I restriction enzymechromosome I CDS1123575 1542 - 0.439689
NA LIC13074 acriflavin resistancechromosome I CDS3754753 3252 - 0.395449
NA LIC11661 HNH endonuclease familychromosome I CDS2024601 555 - 0.378378
NA LIC10580 ABC transporter, atp-binding proteinchromosome I CDS705226 1896 - 0.365506
NA LIC12933 HNH endonuclease familychromosome I CDS3565060 288 - 0.361111
NA LIC10136 ABC transporter ATP-binding proteinchromosome I CDS161575 1821 - 0.370126
NA LIC11080 ABC transporter integral membrane proteinchromosome I CDS1333110 2475 - 0.333737
NA LIC10058 drug:Na+ antiporter of the multi antimicrobial extrusion familychromosome I CDS72115 1383 - 0.316703
NA LIC10398 conserved hypothetical proteinchromosome I CDS454818 1332 - 0.363363
NA LIC11382 conserved hypothetical proteinchromosome I CDS1700635 354 + 0.40113
NA LIC12311 ABC transporter ATP-binding proteinchromosome I CDS2786885 666 + 0.400901
NA LIC12684 ABC transporter ATP-binding proteinchromosome I CDS3253734 993 - 0.35851
NA LIC12310 conserved hypothetical proteinchromosome I CDS2786364 525 + 0.386667
NA LIC11081 ABC transporter ATP-binding proteinchromosome I CDS1335590 696 - 0.353448
NA LIC10931 type I restriction enzymechromosome I CDS1122397 1182 - 0.432318
NA LIC10490 acriflavine resistancechromosome I CDS566667 2916 - 0.313786
NA LIC13017 acriflavine resistancechromosome I CDS3673377 3312 - 0.405193
NA LIC13432 conserved hypothetical proteinchromosome I CDS4208908 1083 + 0.353647
NA LIC13316 ABC transporter, ATP-binding proteinchromosome I CDS4064391 930 - 0.378495
NA LIC10083 conserved hypothetical proteinchromosome I CDS99931 447 - 0.35123
NA LIC10782 conserved hypothetical proteinchromosome I CDS950943 414 + 0.270531
NA LIC12182 ABC transporter, ATP-binding proteinchromosome I CDS2635253 1818 - 0.375688
NA LIC10532 ABC transporter, ATP-binding proteinchromosome I CDS644712 1881 - 0.384902
NA LIC10731 putative lipoproteinchromosome I CDS890787 1260 + 0.380952
NA LIC12683 ABC transporter, membrane spanning proteinchromosome I CDS3252976 762 - 0.346457
NA LIC10518 ABC transporter, atp-binding proteinchromosome I CDS624124 792 + 0.343434
NA LIC11510 heavy metal efflux pumpchromosome I CDS1865972 3243 - 0.385137
NA LIC11893 conserved hypothetical proteinchromosome I CDS2290323 1347 - 0.331106
NA LIC10929 type I restriction enzymechromosome I CDS1118133 3099 - 0.413036
NA LIC13090 acriflavin resistancechromosome I CDS3778842 3153 - 0.375833
acrB LIC10491 acriflavin resistancechromosome I CDS569594 3081 - 0.33236
acrD LIC13134 acriflavin resistancechromosome I CDS3839317 3168 + 0.384785
bacA LIC11457 bacitracin resistance proteinchromosome I CDS1796747 834 + 0.335731
blaR1 LIC12220 beta-lactamase regulatory protein 1chromosome I CDS2678288 852 + 0.338028
gldA LIC11495 ABC transporter ATP-binding proteinchromosome I CDS1844416 939 - 0.333333
lipL31 LIC11456 LipL31chromosome I CDS1796015 726 + 0.336088
lolD LIC10233 ABC transporter ATP-binding proteinchromosome I CDS268725 678 + 0.359882
mrr LIC10668 Mrrchromosome I CDS813011 906 + 0.301325
norM LIC13169 NorMchromosome I CDS3879930 1422 - 0.389592
nosF LIC10351 ABC transporter ATP-binding proteinchromosome I CDS397010 915 + 0.377049
pab1703 LIC13431 ABC Transporter, ATP-binding proteinchromosome I CDS4207964 948 + 0.352321
phnL LIC12428 ABC transporter ATP-binding proteinchromosome I CDS2947562 726 - 0.370523
yadG LIC11804 ABC transporter, ATP-binding proteinchromosome I CDS2197596 918 + 0.368192
yadH LIC11805 ABC transporter permease proteinchromosome I CDS2198510 774 + 0.333333