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COG category: Intracellular trafficking and secretion
Organism: Escherichia coli W3110, K-12

Number of genes found: 110

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Escherichia coli W3110, K-12
NameLocus tagProduct / DescriptionGenomic elementTypeBeginLengthStrandGC-content
ccmD cytochrome c biogenesis proteinchromosome CDS2298711 210 - 0.571429
clpP proteolytic subunit of ClpA-ClpP and ClpX-ClpP ATP-dependent serine proteaseschromosome CDS455901 624 + 0.511218
cpxP periplasmic protein combats stresschromosome CDS3530361 501 - 0.500998
cusC copper/silver efflux system, outer membrane componentchromosome CDS594823 1374 + 0.512373
ecpD predicted periplasmic pilin chaperonechromosome CDS155461 741 - 0.443995
exbB membrane spanning protein in TonB-ExbB-ExbD complexchromosome CDS3149906 735 - 0.530612
exbD membrane spanning protein in TonB-ExbB-ExbD complexchromosome CDS3149474 426 - 0.502347
ffh Signal Recognition Particle (SRP) component with 4.5S RNA (ffs)chromosome CDS2745090 1362 - 0.54185
fimA major type 1 subunit fimbrinchromosome CDS4547795 549 + 0.517304
fimC chaperone, periplasmicchromosome CDS4548984 726 + 0.444904
fimD outer membrane usher protein, type 1 fimbrial synthesischromosome CDS4549776 2637 + 0.486159
fimF minor component of type 1 fimbriaechromosome CDS4552422 531 + 0.495292
fimG minor component of type 1 fimbriaechromosome CDS4552965 504 + 0.52381
flgM anti-sigma factor for FliA (sigma 28)chromosome CDS1131412 294 - 0.527211
flgN export chaperone for FlgK and FlgLchromosome CDS1130991 417 - 0.482014
flhA predicted flagellar export pore proteinchromosome CDS1964686 2079 - 0.548822
flhB predicted flagellar export pore proteinchromosome CDS1966757 1149 - 0.549173
fliE flagellar basal-body componentchromosome CDS2014837 315 - 0.539683
fliF flagellar basal-body MS-ring and collar proteinchromosome CDS2015366 1659 + 0.546112
fliI flagellum-specific ATP synthasechromosome CDS2018691 1374 + 0.585881
fliJ flagellar proteinchromosome CDS2020083 444 + 0.515766
fliN flagellar motor switching and energizing componentchromosome CDS2023225 414 + 0.550725
fliP flagellar biosynthesis proteinchromosome CDS2024006 738 + 0.531165
fliQ flagellar biosynthesis proteinchromosome CDS2024753 270 + 0.503704
fliR flagellar export pore proteinchromosome CDS2025030 786 + 0.474555
fliS flagellar protein potentiates polymerizationchromosome CDS2007440 411 + 0.498783
flu antigen 43 (Ag43) phase-variable biofilm formation autotransporterchromosome CDS2073676 3120 + 0.582372
ftsY fused Signal Recognition Particle (SRP) receptorchromosome CDS4036172 1494 + 0.534806
gspC general secretory pathway component, crypticchromosome CDS4184023 816 - 0.42402
gspE general secretory pathway component, crypticchromosome CDS4180596 1482 - 0.524966
gspF general secretory pathway component, crypticchromosome CDS4179403 1197 - 0.510443
gspG pseudopilin, cryptic, general secretion pathwaychromosome CDS4178956 438 - 0.486301
gspH predicted general secretory pathway component, crypticchromosome CDS4178439 510 - 0.560784
gspJ predicted general secretory pathway component, crypticchromosome CDS4177485 588 - 0.503401
gspK general secretory pathway component, crypticchromosome CDS4176509 984 - 0.502033
gspO bifunctional prepilin leader peptidase and methylasechromosome CDS4174196 678 - 0.504425
hofB conserved hypothetical protein with nucleoside triphosphate hydrolase domainchromosome CDS115714 1386 - 0.534632
hofC assembly protein in type IV pilin biogenesis, transmembrane proteinchromosome CDS114522 1203 - 0.519534
hofQ predicted fimbrial transporterchromosome CDS4119713 1239 + 0.544794
htrE predicted outer membrane usher proteinchromosome CDS152829 2598 - 0.43341
lepB leader peptidasechromosome CDS2702991 975 - 0.52
lspA prolipoprotein signal peptidasechromosome CDS25207 495 + 0.535354
marC predicted transporterchromosome CDS1619957 666 - 0.510511
nfrB bacteriophage N4 receptor, inner membrane subunitchromosome CDS590164 2238 - 0.525022
ppdA conserved hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS2962363 471 - 0.541401
ppdB conserved hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS2961809 564 - 0.52305
ppdD predicted major pilin subunitchromosome CDS117109 441 - 0.530612
secA preprotein translocase subunit, ATPase that targets protein precursors to the SecYE core transloconchromosome CDS108279 2706 + 0.524021
secB protein export chaperonechromosome CDS3856287 468 + 0.508547
secD SecYEG protein translocase auxillary subunitchromosome CDS426871 1848 + 0.531926
secE preprotein translocase membrane subunitchromosome CDS3458940 384 - 0.549479
secF SecYEG protein translocase auxillary subunitchromosome CDS428729 972 + 0.516461
secG preprotein translocase membrane subunitchromosome CDS3322028 333 - 0.495495
secY preprotein translocase membrane subunitchromosome CDS4196319 1332 + 0.496997
sfmA predicted fimbrial-like adhesin proteinchromosome CDS557435 543 + 0.445672
sfmC pilin chaperone, periplasmicchromosome CDS558197 693 + 0.425685
sfmD predicted outer membrane export usher proteinchromosome CDS558920 2604 + 0.478111
sfmF predicted fimbrial-like adhesin proteinchromosome CDS562553 516 + 0.5
smf conserved hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS4206856 1125 + 0.509333
sohB predicted inner membrane peptidasechromosome CDS1331046 1050 + 0.505714
sppA protease IVchromosome CDS1850551 1857 + 0.517501
spy envelope stress induced periplasmic proteinchromosome CDS1826854 486 - 0.50823
tatA TatABCE protein translocation system subunitchromosome CDS3614467 270 - 0.455556
tatB TatABCE protein translocation system subunitchromosome CDS3613948 516 - 0.554264
tatC TatABCE protein translocation system subunitchromosome CDS3613169 777 - 0.516088
tatE TatABCE protein translocation system subunitchromosome CDS659369 204 + 0.5
tolB periplasmic proteinchromosome CDS778162 1293 + 0.531322
tolQ membrane spanning protein in TolA-TolQ-TolR complexchromosome CDS775575 693 + 0.50505
tolR membrane spanning protein in TolA-TolQ-TolR complexchromosome CDS776271 429 + 0.517483
yadK predicted fimbrial-like adhesin proteinchromosome CDS151003 597 - 0.413735
yadN predicted fimbrial-like adhesin proteinchromosome CDS156299 585 - 0.447863
yagZ conserved hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS309308 588 - 0.528912
yajC SecYEG protein translocase auxillary subunitchromosome CDS426511 333 + 0.495495
ybbJ conserved inner membrane proteinchromosome CDS513625 456 - 0.574561
ybgD predicted fimbrial-like adhesin proteinchromosome CDS752651 567 - 0.467372
ybgP predicted assembly proteinchromosome CDS749401 729 - 0.477366
ycbR predicted periplasmic pilin chaperonechromosome CDS998912 702 + 0.450142
ycbS predicted outer membrane usher proteinchromosome CDS999638 2601 + 0.478662
ycbU predicted fimbrial-like adhesin proteinchromosome CDS1003311 543 + 0.471455
ycgV predicted adhesinchromosome CDS1254662 2868 - 0.497908
ychE predicted inner membrane proteinchromosome CDS1300175 648 + 0.478395
ydeK predicted lipoproteinchromosome CDS1595823 3978 - 0.493213
ydeR predicted fimbrial-like adhesin proteinchromosome CDS1589507 504 - 0.448413
ydeS predicted fimbrial-like adhesin proteinchromosome CDS1590023 531 - 0.448211
ydeT hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1590567 1149 - 0.445605
ydhQ conserved hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1746585 1257 - 0.513922
yehB predicted outer membrane proteinchromosome CDS2191764 2481 - 0.455058
yehC predicted periplasmic pilin chaperonechromosome CDS2194260 720 - 0.393056
yehD predicted fimbrial-like adhesin proteinchromosome CDS2195014 543 - 0.405157
yejO predicted autotransporter outer membrane proteinchromosome CDS2289724 2511 - 0.483473
yfaL adhesinchromosome CDS2345087 3753 - 0.513722
yfcP predicted fimbrial-like adhesin proteinchromosome CDS2455497 540 - 0.487037
yfcS predicted periplasmic pilus chaperonechromosome CDS2457030 753 - 0.50996
yfcT predicted outer membrane export usher proteinchromosome CDS2457802 897 - 0.532887
yfcU predicted export usher proteinchromosome CDS2458711 1737 - 0.510075
yghD predicted secretion pathway M-type protein, membrane anchoredchromosome CDS3109246 537 - 0.532588
yghF predicted secretion pathway protein, C-type proteinchromosome CDS3110710 867 - 0.512111
ygiL predicted fimbrial-like adhesin proteinchromosome CDS3184070 552 + 0.436594
yhcA predicted periplasmic chaperone proteinchromosome CDS3361967 675 + 0.416296
yhcD predicted outer membrane proteinchromosome CDS3362662 2382 + 0.45508
yhgN predicted antibiotic transporterchromosome CDS4064751 594 - 0.5
yidC cytoplasmic insertase into membrane protein, Sec systemchromosome CDS3753693 1647 - 0.536733
yjcP predicted outer membrane factor of efflux pumpchromosome CDS4303043 1467 - 0.557601
yqiG predicted outer membrane usher proteinchromosome CDS3186056 2466 + 0.422141
yraH predicted fimbrial-like adhesin proteinchromosome CDS3287281 585 + 0.451282
yraI predicted periplasmic pilin chaperonechromosome CDS3287945 696 + 0.442529
yraJ predicted outer membrane proteinchromosome CDS3288669 2517 + 0.475963
yraK predicted fimbrial-like adhesin proteinchromosome CDS3291196 1092 + 0.478938
yrfC predicted fimbrial assembly proteinchromosome CDS4118444 540 + 0.553704
zraP Zn-binding periplasmic proteinchromosome CDS3434993 426 + 0.535211