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COG category: Signal transduction mechanisms
Genomic element: chromosome

Number of genes found: 75

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Streptococcus pyogenes SSI-1, SSI-1
NameLocus tagProduct / DescriptionGenomic elementTypeBeginLengthStrandGC-content
SPs0034 putative protein-tyrosine phosphatasechromosome CDS49740 438 + 0.356164
SPs0105 MsmRchromosome CDS117057 858 - 0.350816
SPs0140 conserved hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS156871 486 + 0.419753
SPs0178 putative histidine kinasechromosome CDS195881 1347 + 0.331849
SPs0179 putative response regulatorchromosome CDS198507 741 + 0.357625
SPs0209 putative glutamine-binding periplasmic proteinchromosome CDS227520 1569 - 0.427024
SPs0212 putative negative regulator of genetic competencechromosome CDS232262 762 + 0.366142
SPs0265 putative transcriptional regulatory proteinchromosome CDS291336 720 - 0.325
SPs0320 conserved hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS360048 507 - 0.366864
SPs0379 putative PTS system, enzyme IIA componentchromosome CDS414590 405 + 0.387654
SPs0432 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS464291 1449 + 0.357488
SPs0434 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS465960 267 + 0.378277
SPs0478 autoinducer-2 production proteinchromosome CDS511065 513 - 0.407407
SPs0492 putative phosphoprotein phosphatasechromosome CDS525063 741 + 0.385965
SPs0495 putative two-component sensor histidine kinasechromosome CDS528510 1005 + 0.344279
SPs0496 putative two-component response regulatorchromosome CDS529501 648 + 0.396605
SPs0536 conserved hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS563651 909 + 0.390539
SPs0537 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS564566 267 + 0.355805
SPs0557 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS580661 774 + 0.372093
SPs0563 putative two-component sensor histidine kinasechromosome CDS585814 1251 + 0.318145
SPs0574 putative two-component sensor histidine kinasechromosome CDS601654 1728 + 0.405671
SPs0575 putative two-component response regulatorchromosome CDS603378 1488 + 0.383737
SPs0585 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS614136 354 + 0.429379
SPs0649 hypothetical protein (phage associated)chromosome CDS657659 1884 + 0.44586
SPs0652 hypothetical protein (phage associated)chromosome CDS660610 297 + 0.390572
SPs0660 putative two-component response regulatorchromosome CDS666835 732 + 0.405738
SPs0661 putative two-component sensor histidine kinasechromosome CDS667563 1734 + 0.433679
SPs0665 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS672050 591 + 0.36379
SPs0675 conserved hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS682147 1038 + 0.382466
SPs0684 putative GTP-binding protein TypA/BipA (tyrosine phosphorylated protein A)chromosome CDS690092 1842 + 0.416938
SPs0731 hypothetical protein (phage associated)chromosome CDS731711 798 + 0.417293
SPs0735 hypothetical protein (phage associated)chromosome CDS734622 333 + 0.33033
SPs0747 hypothetical protein (phage associated)chromosome CDS740870 267 + 0.374532
SPs0750 conserved hypothetical protein (phage associated)chromosome CDS742931 462 + 0.398268
SPs0821 conserved hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS815367 564 + 0.397163
SPs0828 GRAB precursorchromosome CDS824909 990 + 0.425253
SPs0854 putative transcriptional antiterminator (BglG family)chromosome CDS851299 1875 + 0.384533
SPs0861 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS857004 2175 - 0.38023
SPs0911 hypothetical protein (phage associated)chromosome CDS898183 237 + 0.383966
SPs0931 hypothetical protein (phage associated)chromosome CDS915307 276 + 0.347826
SPs0946 putative two-component sensor histidine kinasechromosome CDS928245 1650 + 0.35697
SPs0947 putative two-component response regulatorchromosome CDS929898 789 + 0.34981
SPs0968 putative two-component response regulatorchromosome CDS951524 666 - 0.375375
SPs0969 putative two-component sensor histidine kinasechromosome CDS952170 1542 - 0.392348
SPs1003 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS985320 978 + 0.351738
SPs1013 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS997665 375 + 0.370667
SPs1073 putative histidine kinase proteinchromosome CDS1060446 1311 - 0.315027
SPs1074 putative response regulatorchromosome CDS1061749 675 - 0.32
SPs1104 CAMP factorchromosome CDS1092126 774 - 0.357881
SPs1105 putative amino acid ABC transporter (periplasmic amino acid-binding protein)chromosome CDS1093269 837 - 0.332139
SPs1133 putative major tail proteinchromosome CDS1123891 585 - 0.388034
SPs1188 putative extracellular hyaluronate lyasechromosome CDS1164973 2355 + 0.360934
SPs1234 putative ABC transporter (ATP-binding protein)chromosome CDS1216789 900 - 0.37
SPs1259 putative two-component sensor histidine kinasechromosome CDS1242158 1233 - 0.348743
SPs1260 putative two-component response regulatorchromosome CDS1243399 669 - 0.346786
SPs1339 putative ABC transporter (substrate-binding protein)chromosome CDS1326249 417 - 0.388489
SPs1443 putative Hpr kinase/phosphatasechromosome CDS1442048 993 - 0.397785
SPs1444 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1443345 237 - 0.438819
SPs1470 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1468807 969 - 0.291022
SPs1480 putative two-component sensor histidine kinasechromosome CDS1481256 1356 - 0.377581
SPs1481 putative two-component response regulatorchromosome CDS1482604 711 - 0.392405
SPs1511 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1513500 399 - 0.408521
SPs1524 putative phosphate starvation-induced proteinchromosome CDS1521852 1053 - 0.420703
SPs1553 conserved hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1548435 732 + 0.516393
SPs1614 putative two-component sensor histidine kinase (CsrS/CovS)chromosome CDS1610920 1503 - 0.355955
SPs1615 putative two-component response regulator (CsrR/CovR)chromosome CDS1612428 687 - 0.384279
SPs1627 conserved hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1624759 843 - 0.385528
SPs1645 putative response regulator (salivaricin regulon)chromosome CDS1648684 606 - 0.305281
SPs1646 SalKchromosome CDS1649270 1563 - 0.292386
SPs1682 conserved hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1683448 2061 - 0.405628
SPs1699 putative leucine-rich proteinchromosome CDS1706509 891 - 0.444444
SPs1702 putative (p)ppGpp synthetasechromosome CDS1709595 2232 - 0.4431
SPs1729 putative histidine kinasechromosome CDS1746274 1302 - 0.384793
SPs1730 putative two-component response regulatorchromosome CDS1747659 654 - 0.383792
SPs1833 conserved hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1857705 1977 - 0.342944