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COG category: Secondary metabolites biosynthesis, transport and catabolism
Organism: Chlamydophila pneumoniae J138, J138

Number of genes found: 8

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Chlamydophila pneumoniae J138, J138
NameLocus tagProduct / DescriptionGenomic elementTypeBeginLengthStrandGC-content
CPj0187 methylasechromosome CDS223871 801 + 0.393258
CPj1018 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1166304 735 + 0.393197
CPj1070 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1220475 1371 - 0.456601
aas acylglycerophosphoethanolamine acyltransferasechromosome CDS1051662 1617 + 0.413111
acpP acyl carrier proteinchromosome CDS333246 240 - 0.3125
fabF acyl carrier protein synthasechromosome CDS1046185 1251 + 0.443645
fabG oxoacyl (carrier protein) reductasechromosome CDS333641 747 - 0.423025
ytgB_2 rRNA methylasechromosome CDS1133921 603 + 0.424544