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COG category: Cell cycle control, mitosis and meiosis
Organism: Neisseria meningitidis Z2491, Z2491

Number of genes found: 30

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Neisseria meningitidis Z2491, Z2491
NameLocus tagProduct / DescriptionUniProt / TrEMBL protein nameGenomic elementTypeBeginLengthStrandGC-content
NMA0004 hypothetical protein NMA0004 chromosome CDS2952 576 - 0.463542
NMA0076 parA family protein chromosome CDS75357 774 - 0.591731
NMA0546 hypothetical protein NMA0546 chromosome CDS523273 591 + 0.553299
NMA0611 hypothetical protein NMA0611 chromosome CDS587959 1128 - 0.583333
NMA0693 hypothetical protein NMA0693 chromosome CDS685339 489 + 0.304703
NMA0724 hypothetical protein NMA0724 chromosome CDS713245 3486 + 0.588927
NMA0802 hypothetical protein NMA0802 chromosome CDS786740 606 - 0.523102
NMA1196 hypothetical protein NMA1196 chromosome CDS1136599 267 + 0.490637
NMA1222 hypothetical protein NMA1222 chromosome CDS1159330 876 - 0.534247
NMA1264 putative integral membrane protein chromosome CDS1190759 360 - 0.558333
NMA1266 putative cell-division protein chromosome CDS1191992 3045 + 0.549425
NMA1350 hypothetical protein NMA1350 chromosome CDS1250015 1281 + 0.527713
NMA1465 hypothetical protein NMA1465 chromosome CDS1357496 960 + 0.533333
NMA1496 hypothetical protein chromosome CDS1394250 279 + 0.483871
NMA1527 ftsK-like cell division/stress response protein chromosome CDS1422697 2304 - 0.549479
NMA1547 hypothetical secreted lysine-rich protein chromosome CDS1445043 1806 - 0.518826
NMA1577 hypothetical protein chromosome CDS1483468 474 - 0.504219
NMA1856 hypothetical protein chromosome CDS1794334 282 - 0.446809
NMA2073 putative small periplasmic protein chromosome CDS2022430 270 - 0.496296
NMA2079 hypothetical lysine-rich membrane protein chromosome CDS2027700 870 - 0.508046
NMA2145 putative morphogene chromosome CDS2091371 531 - 0.483992
ftsA cell division protein chromosome CDS2005643 1245 - 0.530924
ftsE ABC transporter ATP-binding protein chromosome CDS238162 651 + 0.557604
ftsW cell division protein chromosome CDS2011353 1308 - 0.533639
ftsX putative ABC transporter integral membrane protein chromosome CDS238809 918 + 0.54902
ftsZ cell division protein chromosome CDS2004346 1179 - 0.541137
gidA glucose inhibited division protein A homolog chromosome CDS71870 1887 + 0.575517
minC putative cell division inhibitor chromosome CDS100688 714 - 0.45098
minD septum site-determining protein chromosome CDS99844 816 - 0.466912
minE putative cell division topological specificity factor chromosome CDS99577 264 - 0.439394