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COG category: Unclassified
Organism: uncultured bacterium

Number of genes found: 167

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uncultured bacterium
NameLocus tagProduct / DescriptionUniProt / TrEMBL protein nameGenomic elementTypeBeginLengthStrandGC-content
NA hypothetical proteinSubName: Full=Uncharacterized protein; pB4 CDS24014 825 + 0.516364
NA hypothetical proteinSubName: Full=Uncharacterized protein; pB4 CDS20655 258 - 0.527132
NA hypothetical proteinSubName: Full=Uncharacterized protein; pRSB101 CDS39594 663 - 0.613876
NA hypothetical proteinSubName: Full=Uncharacterized protein; pRSB101 CDS44716 585 + 0.589744
NA hypothetical proteinSubName: Full=Uncharacterized protein; pB4 CDS31900 456 - 0.655702
NA hypothetical proteinSubName: Full=Uncharacterized protein; pRSB101 CDS30843 303 + 0.577558
NA hypothetical proteinSubName: Full=Uncharacterized protein; pB4 CDS25031 588 + 0.535714
NA hypothetical proteinSubName: Full=Uncharacterized protein; pRSB101 CDS20045 333 - 0.642643
NA hypothetical proteinSubName: Full=Uncharacterized protein; pB4 CDS21034 540 - 0.655556
NA hypothetical proteinSubName: Full=Uncharacterized protein; pB4 CDS16740 1059 - 0.577904
NA hypothetical proteinSubName: Full=Uncharacterized protein; pRSB101 CDS40260 378 - 0.621693
NA hypothetical proteinSubName: Full=Uncharacterized protein; pB4 CDS25663 447 + 0.561521
NA hypothetical proteinSubName: Full=Uncharacterized protein; pTB11 CDS42155 810 + 0.565432
NA hypothetical proteinSubName: Full=Uncharacterized protein; pRSB101 CDS24005 324 - 0.549383
NA hypothetical proteinSubName: Full=Uncharacterized protein; pB4 CDS71338 42 - 0.571429
NA hypothetical proteinSubName: Full=Uncharacterized protein; pB4 CDS22509 447 + 0.561521
NA hypothetical proteinSubName: Full=Uncharacterized protein; pRSB101 CDS27648 408 + 0.438726
NA hypothetical proteinSubName: Full=Uncharacterized protein; pB4 CDS21815 576 - 0.671875
aadA2 aminoglycoside-3'-adenylyltransferaseSubName: Full=Aminoglycoside 3-adenylyltransferase; SubName: Full=Aminoglycoside adenylyltransferase; SubName: Full=Aminoglycoside-3-adenylyltransferase; pRSB101 CDS17104 792 - 0.530303
cac putative DNA binding proteinSubName: Full=Putative DNA binding protein; pIE1130 CDS3080 207 + 0.637681
chrB chromate resistance proteinSubName: Full=Chromate resistance protein; pB4 CDS34240 945 - 0.67619
fiwA FiwA proteinSubName: Full=Fertility inhibition factor FiwA; SubName: Full=FiwA protein; SubName: Full=FiwA, inhibition of IncW plasmid fertility; pTB11 CDS28373 696 + 0.679598
istA transposase subunit ASubName: Full=Transposase subunit A; pB4 CDS18306 1560 + 0.589744
kfrA KfrA proteinSubName: Full=KfrA; SubName: Full=KfrA protein; SubName: Full=Regulatory protein; pB10 CDS34597 1032 - 0.747093
kfrA KfrA coiled-coil proteinSubName: Full=KfrA coiled-coil protein; SubName: Full=KfrA:regulatory protein; pTP6 CDS1366 1032 - 0.749031
kfrA KfrA proteinSubName: Full=KfrA protein; SubName: Full=Regulatory protein; pB4 CDS2034 951 - 0.698212
kfrA transcriptional regulatorSubName: Full=KfrA coiled-coil protein; SubName: Full=KfrA protein; SubName: Full=Regulatory protein; SubName: Full=Transcriptional regulator; pTB11 CDS59219 927 - 0.687163
kfrB KfrB proteinSubName: Full=KfrB protein; SubName: Full=Stable inheritance protein; pTB11 CDS58714 348 - 0.531609
kfrB KfrB proteinSubName: Full=Conjugative transfer protein; SubName: Full=KfrB; SubName: Full=KfrB protein; SubName: Full=KfrB:stable inheritance protein; SubName: Full=Stable inheritance protein; SubName: Full=TraO protein; pTP6 CDS848 348 - 0.583333
kfrC KfrC proteinSubName: Full=Conjugative transfer protein; SubName: Full=KfrC; SubName: Full=KfrC protein; SubName: Full=KfrC:stable inheritance protein; SubName: Full=Stable inheritance protein; SubName: Full=TraN protein; pTP6 CDS166 654 - 0.69419
klaA KlaA proteinSubName: Full=KlaA; SubName: Full=KlaA protein; pTB11 CDS65874 774 - 0.633075
klaC KlaC proteinSubName: Full=KlaC; SubName: Full=KlaC protein; pTB11 CDS63770 954 - 0.65304
klcA KlcA proteinSubName: Full=Antirestriction protein; SubName: Full=KlcA protein; pB4 CDS8396 429 - 0.668998
klcA KlcA proteinSubName: Full=Antirestriction protein; SubName: Full=KlcA protein; SubName: Full=KlcA putative antirestriction protein; pTB11 CDS1729 441 - 0.680272
klcA KlcA proteinSubName: Full=KlcA; SubName: Full=KlcA protein; SubName: Full=KlcA:antirestriction protein; SubName: Full=Plasmid maintenance protein; pTP6 CDS8007 429 - 0.685315
klcA KlcA proteinSubName: Full=Antirestriction protein; SubName: Full=KlcA; SubName: Full=KlcA protein; pB10 CDS41046 429 - 0.675991
klcB KlcB proteinSubName: Full=KlcB; SubName: Full=KlcB protein; SubName: Full=KorC; SubName: Full=Stable inheritance protein; pB10 CDS39563 1209 - 0.695616
klcB KlcB proteinSubName: Full=KlcB protein; SubName: Full=Stable inheritance protein; pB4 CDS6919 1203 - 0.697423
klcB KlcB proteinSubName: Full=KlcB protein; pTB11 CDS298 1386 - 0.670274
klcB KlcB proteinSubName: Full=KlcB protein; pTP6 CDS6750 1206 - 0.697347
klcC KlcC proteinSubName: Full=KlcC protein; SubName: Full=KorC repressor protein; SubName: Full=Transcriptional regulator protein; pTB11 CDS18 258 - 0.666667
kleA KleA proteinSubName: Full=Conserved domain protein; SubName: Full=KleA Protein; SubName: Full=KleA protein; pTB11 CDS68428 234 - 0.636752
kleA KleA proteinSubName: Full=KleA protein; SubName: Full=Stable inheritance protein; pB4 CDS6252 237 - 0.679325
kleA KleA proteinSubName: Full=KleA; SubName: Full=KleA protein; SubName: Full=Stable inheritance protein; pB10 CDS38895 237 - 0.670886
kleA KleA proteinSubName: Full=KleA; SubName: Full=KleA protein; SubName: Full=KleA:stable inheritance protein; SubName: Full=Plasmid maintenance protein; pTP6 CDS6080 237 - 0.64135
kleB KleB proteinSubName: Full=KleB; SubName: Full=KleB protein; SubName: Full=KleB: stable inheritance protein; SubName: Full=Plasmid maintenance protein; pTP6 CDS5806 216 - 0.625
kleB KleB proteinSubName: Full=Conserved domain protein; SubName: Full=KleB prorein; SubName: Full=KleB protein; pTB11 CDS68164 216 - 0.648148
kleC KleC proteinSubName: Full=Conserved domain protein; SubName: Full=KleC protein; pTB11 CDS67781 231 - 0.606061
kleD KleD proteinSubName: Full=KleD protein; pTB11 CDS67547 219 - 0.593607
kleE KleE proteinSubName: Full=KleE protein; pTP6 CDS5332 387 - 0.633075
kleE KleE proteinSubName: Full=KleE protein; SubName: Full=Stable inheritance protein; pB4 CDS5717 327 - 0.633027
kleE KleE proteinSubName: Full=KleE protein; pTB11 CDS67112 324 - 0.595679
kleE KleE proteinSubName: Full=KleE; SubName: Full=KleE protein; SubName: Full=Stable inheritance protein; pB10 CDS38360 327 - 0.633027
kleF KleF proteinSubName: Full=KleF protein; SubName: Full=KleF protein long form; SubName: Full=KleF protein, long form; SubName: Full=Stable inheritance protein; pTB11 CDS66770 315 - 0.634921
kleF KleF proteinSubName: Full=KleF protein; pB4 CDS5386 330 - 0.633333
kleF KleF proteinSubName: Full=KleF protein; SubName: Full=KleF:stable inheritance protein; pTP6 CDS4800 531 - 0.685499
kleF KleF proteinSubName: Full=KleF; SubName: Full=KleF protein; SubName: Full=Stable inheritance protein; pB10 CDS38029 330 - 0.633333
kluA hypothetical proteinSubName: Full=KluA; SubName: Full=KluA regulatory protein; SubName: Full=KluA: addiction module antitoxin protein; SubName: Full=Uncharacterized protein; pTP6 CDS8604 270 + 0.666667
kluB hypothetical proteinSubName: Full=KluB; SubName: Full=Plasmid stability protein; SubName: Full=Uncharacterized protein; pTP6 CDS8870 315 + 0.653968
korA KorA proteinSubName: Full=KorA protein; SubName: Full=Transcriptional repressor protein; pB4 CDS4971 309 - 0.627832
korA KorA repressor proteinSubName: Full=KorA; SubName: Full=KorA protein; SubName: Full=KorA repressor protein; SubName: Full=KorA:transcriptional repressor protein; pTP6 CDS4384 303 - 0.623762
korA KorA proteinSubName: Full=KorA; SubName: Full=KorA protein; SubName: Full=Transcriptional repressor protein; pB10 CDS37614 309 - 0.634304
korA transcriptional regulatorSubName: Full=KorA repressor protein; SubName: Full=KorA, repressor protein; SubName: Full=Transcriptional regulator; SubName: Full=Transcriptional repressor protein; pTB11 CDS63291 306 - 0.611111
korC KorC proteinSubName: Full=KorC; SubName: Full=KorC protein; SubName: Full=Transcriptional regulator protein; pB10 CDS39289 258 - 0.682171
korC KorC repressor proteinSubName: Full=KorC; SubName: Full=KorC protein; SubName: Full=KorC repressor protein; SubName: Full=Plasmid maintenance protein; pTP6 CDS6476 258 - 0.697674
korC KorC proteinSubName: Full=KorC protein; SubName: Full=Transcriptional regulator protein; pB4 CDS6645 258 - 0.631783
korF histone-like proteinSubName: Full=Histone-like protein; SubName: Full=KorF protein; SubName: Full=KorF repressor protein; SubName: Full=Repressor protein; pTB11 CDS60868 504 - 0.680556
korG histone-like proteinSubName: Full=Histone-like protein; SubName: Full=KorG; SubName: Full=KorG protein; pTB11 CDS60331 528 - 0.647727
merB-1 MerB-1 proteinRecName: Full=Alkylmercury lyase; EC=; AltName: Full=Organomercurial lyase; pTP6 CDS31883 639 + 0.539906
merB-2 MerB-2b proteinRecName: Full=Alkylmercury lyase; EC=; AltName: Full=Organomercurial lyase; pTP6 CDS34002 639 + 0.57277
merE MerE proteinSubName: Full=MerE protein; pTP6 CDS35114 237 + 0.632911
merE mercury resistance proteinSubName: Full=MerE; SubName: Full=Mercury resistance protein; pB10 CDS59253 237 - 0.64557
merT integral membrane protein for mercuric transportSubName: Full=Integral membrane protein for mercuric transport; SubName: Full=MerT; pB10 CDS61914 405 - 0.590123
merT MerT proteinSubName: Full=MerT protein; SubName: Full=Mercuric ion transport protein; SubName: Full=Mercuric ion transport protein MerT; SubName: Full=Mercuric transport protein; pTP6 CDS28577 351 + 0.612536
mobA putative mobilization proteinSubName: Full=Putative mobilization protein; pIE1130 CDS913 2112 + 0.640625
mobA putative relaxase proteinSubName: Full=Putative relaxase protein; pRSB101 CDS42081 2214 + 0.621951
mobB putative oriT recognition proteinSubName: Full=Putative oriT recognition protein; pRSB101 CDS41420 684 + 0.570175
mobB putative mobilization proteinSubName: Full=Putative mobilization protein; pIE1130 CDS1661 411 + 0.63017
mobC mobilisation protein MobCSubName: Full=Mobilisation protein MobC; pRSB101 CDS40808 327 - 0.553517
orfE-like hypothetical proteinSubName: Full=Uncharacterized protein; pB10 CDS16317 243 - 0.63786
paer7IM' hypothetical proteinSubName: Full=Uncharacterized protein; pRSB101 CDS22770 225 + 0.564444
parC putative partition protein CSubName: Full=Putative partition protein C; pRSB101 CDS31262 336 + 0.559524
parC ParC proteinSubName: Full=ParC protein; SubName: Full=RC protein; pTB11 CDS30940 261 - 0.662835
parD ParD proteinSubName: Full=ParD protein; SubName: Full=Partitioning protein; SubName: Full=Protein parD; pTB11 CDS41518 252 + 0.583333
parD-like hypothetical proteinSubName: Full=Uncharacterized protein; pRSB101 CDS3412 288 - 0.5625
repA replicaseSubName: Full=Replicase; pRSB101 CDS31836 1197 + 0.6132
repA putative DNA helicaseSubName: Full=Putative DNA helicase; pIE1130 CDS3315 840 + 0.659524
repB putative primaseSubName: Full=Putative primase; pIE1130 CDS2047 978 + 0.639059
repC putative initiatior proteinSubName: Full=Putative initiatior protein; pIE1130 CDS4042 945 + 0.660317
tniQ TniQ proteinSubName: Full=TniQ protein; pTP6 CDS36078 1218 - 0.622332
tniQ TniQ proteinSubName: Full=TniQ protein; SubName: Full=TniQ, transposition protein; pTB11 CDS37467 1218 - 0.625616
tnpA transposaseSubName: Full=Transposase; pB4 CDS35971 2970 + 0.648485
tnpA-ISTB11 transposaseSubName: Full=TnpA, transposase; SubName: Full=Transposase; pTB11 CDS7677 2967 - 0.589484
tnpA2 transposaseSubName: Full=Transposase; pB4 CDS27530 2967 + 0.628581
traA TraA proteinSubName: Full=Putative TraA; SubName: Full=TraA protein; pTB11 CDS43874 291 - 0.632302
traB TraB proteinSubName: Full=Putative TraB; SubName: Full=TraB protein; pTB11 CDS44172 441 - 0.612245
traC1 DNA primaseSubName: Full=DNA primase; SubName: Full=DNA primase TraC1; SubName: Full=DNA primase traC Replication primase; SubName: Full=TraC DNA primase long form; pTB11 CDS44628 3186 - 0.667294
traC2 TraC2 proteinSubName: Full=TraC2 protein; pB4 CDS59555 4596 - 0.671671
traC2 TraC2 proteinSubName: Full=TraC2 protein; pTP6 CDS40442 4347 - 0.68645
traC3 TraC3 proteinSubName: Full=TraC3 protein; pTP6 CDS40442 3693 - 0.686705
traC4 TraC4 proteinSubName: Full=TraC4 protein; pTP6 CDS40442 2244 - 0.702317
traD TraD proteinSubName: Full=Conjugal transfer protein; SubName: Full=TraD protein; pTB11 CDS47820 264 - 0.666667
traD TraD proteinSubName: Full=Conjugative transfer protein; SubName: Full=DNA processing protein; SubName: Full=TraD; SubName: Full=TraD protein; SubName: Full=TraD: DNA processing protein; pB10 CDS23679 390 - 0.725641
traD TraD proteinSubName: Full=Conjugative transfer protein; SubName: Full=DNA processing protein; SubName: Full=TraD; SubName: Full=TraD protein; SubName: Full=TraD: DNA processing protein; pTP6 CDS44792 390 - 0.725641
traH TraH proteinSubName: Full=DNA processing protein; SubName: Full=Relaxosome stabilisation protein; SubName: Full=TraH; SubName: Full=TraH protein; SubName: Full=TraH: DNA processing protein, relaxosome stabilization; pTP6 CDS50023 393 - 0.676845
traH relaxosome stabilisation proteinSubName: Full=DNA processing protein; SubName: Full=Relaxosome stabilisation protein; SubName: Full=TraH; SubName: Full=TraH protein; SubName: Full=TraH: DNA processing protein, relaxosome stabilization; pB10 CDS28910 393 - 0.676845
traH TraH proteinSubName: Full=DNA processing protein; SubName: Full=TraH protein; pB4 CDS69385 411 - 0.676399
traH TraH proteinSubName: Full=Conjugal transfer protein TraH; SubName: Full=TraH protein; SubName: Full=TraH, involved in relaxosome stabilization; pTB11 CDS53050 360 - 0.644444
traI DNA relaxaseSubName: Full=Conjugal transfer relaxase TraI; SubName: Full=DNA processing protein; SubName: Full=DNA relaxase; SubName: Full=Protein traI; pTB11 CDS52751 2199 - 0.652115
traI TraI DNA relaxaseSubName: Full=TraI DNA relaxase; pTP6 CDS49721 2241 - 0.668452
traI TraI proteinSubName: Full=DNA processing protein; SubName: Full=TraI protein; pB4 CDS69083 2259 - 0.657371
traJ TraJ proteinSubName: Full=Conjugative transfer protein; SubName: Full=DNA processing protein; SubName: Full=OriT binding protein; SubName: Full=TraJ; SubName: Full=TraJ protein; SubName: Full=TraJ: DNA processing protein, oriT recognizing protein; pTP6 CDS51996 375 - 0.669333
traJ oriT-binding proteinSubName: Full=Conjugal transfer relaxosome component TraJ; SubName: Full=DNA processing protein; SubName: Full=OriT-binding protein; SubName: Full=Protein traJ Relaxosome protein; pTB11 CDS54984 372 - 0.642473
traJ oriT binding proteinSubName: Full=Conjugative transfer protein; SubName: Full=DNA processing protein; SubName: Full=OriT binding protein; SubName: Full=TraJ; SubName: Full=TraJ protein; SubName: Full=TraJ: DNA processing protein, oriT recognizing protein; pB10 CDS30883 375 - 0.669333
traJ TraJ proteinSubName: Full=DNA processing protein; SubName: Full=DNA processing protein, oriT recognizing protein; SubName: Full=TraJ DNA processing protein, oriT recognizing protein; SubName: Full=TraJ protein; pB4 CDS71376 372 - 0.663979
traK TraK proteinSubName: Full=Conjugative transfer protein; SubName: Full=DNA processing protein; SubName: Full=OriT binding protein; SubName: Full=OriT binding protein TraK; SubName: Full=TraK; SubName: Full=TraK protein; SubName: Full=TraK: DNA processing protein, oriT binding protein; pTP6 CDS52744 399 + 0.631579
traK oriT-binding protein TraKSubName: Full=OriT-binding protein TraK; SubName: Full=TraK protein of DNA transfer system; pTB11 CDS55723 405 + 0.664198
traK oriT binding proteinSubName: Full=Conjugative transfer protein; SubName: Full=DNA processing protein; SubName: Full=OriT binding protein; SubName: Full=OriT binding protein TraK; SubName: Full=TraK; SubName: Full=TraK protein; SubName: Full=TraK: DNA processing protein, oriT binding protein; pB10 CDS31631 399 + 0.631579
traK TraK proteinSubName: Full=DNA processing protein; SubName: Full=TraK protein; pB4 CDS72308 414 + 0.608696
traM TraM proteinSubName: Full=Conjugative transfer protein; SubName: Full=DNA processing protein; SubName: Full=TraM; SubName: Full=TraM protein; SubName: Full=TraM: DNA processing protein; pB10 CDS32754 441 + 0.675737
traM TraM proteinSubName: Full=DNA processing protein; SubName: Full=TraM protein; pB4 CDS73446 441 + 0.657596
traM TraM proteinSubName: Full=Conjugative transfer protein; SubName: Full=DNA processing protein; SubName: Full=TraM; SubName: Full=TraM protein; SubName: Full=TraM: DNA processing protein; pTP6 CDS53867 441 + 0.675737
traM TraM proteinSubName: Full=Conjugal transfer protein TraM; SubName: Full=DNA processing protein; SubName: Full=Protein traM; SubName: Full=TraM protein; pTB11 CDS56849 438 + 0.657534
traN TraN proteinSubName: Full=Conjugative transfer protein; SubName: Full=KfrC; SubName: Full=KfrC protein; SubName: Full=KfrC:stable inheritance protein; SubName: Full=Stable inheritance protein; SubName: Full=TraN protein; pB10 CDS33397 654 - 0.692661
traO TraO proteinSubName: Full=Conjugative transfer protein; SubName: Full=KfrB; SubName: Full=KfrB protein; SubName: Full=KfrB:stable inheritance protein; SubName: Full=Stable inheritance protein; SubName: Full=TraO protein; pB10 CDS34079 348 - 0.583333
traX TraX proteinSubName: Full=TraX protein; pTP6 CDS51958 42 - 0.547619
trbC prepilinSubName: Full=Conjugal transfer protein TrbC; SubName: Full=Conjugal transfer protein trbC; SubName: Full=Mating pair formation protein; SubName: Full=Prepilin; pTB11 CDS16059 438 + 0.639269
trbC TrbC proteinSubName: Full=Mating pair formation protein, prepilin; SubName: Full=TrbC; SubName: Full=TrbC protein; pB4 CDS42798 465 + 0.655914
trbD putative ATPaseSubName: Full=Conjugal transfer protein TrbD; SubName: Full=Conjugal transfer protein trbD; SubName: Full=Mating pair formation protein; SubName: Full=Putative ATPase; pTB11 CDS16499 312 + 0.602564
trbD TrbD proteinSubName: Full=Mating pair formation protein; SubName: Full=TrbD; SubName: Full=TrbD protein; pB4 CDS43266 312 + 0.625
trbF putative pilus proteinSubName: Full=Conjugal transfer protein TrbF; SubName: Full=Conjugal transfer protein trbF; SubName: Full=Mating pair formation protein; SubName: Full=Putative pilus protein; pTB11 CDS19362 759 + 0.641634
trbF TrbF proteinSubName: Full=TrbF; SubName: Full=TrbF protein; pB4 CDS46129 789 + 0.646388
trbF TrbF proteinSubName: Full=TrbF protein; SubName: Full=TrbF:mating pair formation protein; pTP6 CDS17240 783 + 0.659004
trbH TrbH proteinSubName: Full=Mating pair formation protein; SubName: Full=TrbH; SubName: Full=TrbH protein; SubName: Full=TrbH:mating pair formation protein; pB10 CDS6781 489 + 0.705521
trbH TrbH proteinSubName: Full=Mating pair formation protein; SubName: Full=TrbH; SubName: Full=TrbH protein; SubName: Full=TrbH:mating pair formation protein; pTP6 CDS18942 489 + 0.705521
trbH TrbH proteinSubName: Full=Conjugal transfer protein; SubName: Full=Conjugal transfer protein TrbH; SubName: Full=Mating pair formation protein; SubName: Full=TrbH protein; pTB11 CDS21029 483 + 0.650104
trbH TrbH proteinSubName: Full=TrbH; SubName: Full=TrbH protein; pB4 CDS47831 462 + 0.683983
trbJ putative entry exclusion proteinSubName: Full=Conjugal transfer protein TrbJ; SubName: Full=Probable conjugal transfer protein trbJ; SubName: Full=Putative entry exclusion protein; pTB11 CDS22924 777 + 0.619048
trbJ TrbJ proteinSubName: Full=Entry exclusion during conjugation protein; SubName: Full=TrbJ protein; pB4 CDS49695 774 + 0.642119
trbK TrbK proteinSubName: Full=Entry exclusion during conjugation protein; SubName: Full=TrbK; SubName: Full=TrbK entry exclusion protein; SubName: Full=TrbK protein; SubName: Full=TrbK:entry exclusion during conjugation protein; pB10 CDS9490 228 + 0.622807
trbK TrbK entry exclusion proteinSubName: Full=Entry exclusion during conjugation protein; SubName: Full=TrbK; SubName: Full=TrbK entry exclusion protein; SubName: Full=TrbK protein; SubName: Full=TrbK:entry exclusion during conjugation protein; pTP6 CDS21651 228 + 0.622807
trbK TrbK proteinSubName: Full=Entry exclusion during conjugation protein; SubName: Full=TrbK protein; pB4 CDS50478 219 + 0.634703
trbK entry exclusion proteinSubName: Full=Entry exclusion protein; SubName: Full=TrbK entry exclusion protein; SubName: Full=TrbK, entry exclusion protein; pTB11 CDS23712 210 + 0.62381
trbL TrbL proteinSubName: Full=Conjugal transfer protein TrbL; SubName: Full=Probable conjugal transfer protein trbL; SubName: Full=TrbL protein; pTB11 CDS23928 1587 + 0.659735
trbL TrbL proteinSubName: Full=TrbL protein; pB4 CDS50708 1713 + 0.685347
trbM TrbM proteinSubName: Full=Mating pair formation protein; SubName: Full=TrbM; SubName: Full=TrbM protein; SubName: Full=TrbM:mating pair formation protein; pB10 CDS11464 588 + 0.67517
trbM TrbM proteinSubName: Full=Mating pair formation protein; SubName: Full=TrbM protein; pB4 CDS52438 579 + 0.651123
trbM TrbM proteinSubName: Full=Mating pair formation protein; SubName: Full=TrbM; SubName: Full=TrbM protein; SubName: Full=TrbM:mating pair formation protein; pTP6 CDS23625 588 + 0.671769
trbM TrbM proteinSubName: Full=Conjugal transfer protein TrbM; SubName: Full=Mating pair formation protein; SubName: Full=TrbM; SubName: Full=TrbM protein; pTB11 CDS25538 600 + 0.66
trbO TrbO proteinSubName: Full=Conjugal transfer protein TrbO; SubName: Full=TrbO; SubName: Full=TrbO protein; SubName: Full=TrbO, conjugal transfer protein; pTB11 CDS26888 264 + 0.655303
trbO TrbO proteinSubName: Full=TrbO protein; pB4 CDS53683 270 + 0.644444
trbO TrbO proteinSubName: Full=Mating pair formation protein; SubName: Full=TrbO; SubName: Full=TrbO conjugal transfer protein; SubName: Full=TrbO protein; pTP6 CDS24890 267 + 0.632959
trbO TrbO proteinSubName: Full=Mating pair formation protein; SubName: Full=TrbO; SubName: Full=TrbO conjugal transfer protein; SubName: Full=TrbO protein; pB10 CDS12729 267 + 0.636704
trbP TrbP proteinSubName: Full=Conjugal transfer protein TrbP; SubName: Full=Mating pair formation protein; SubName: Full=TrbP protein; SubName: Full=TrbP, conjugal transfer protein; pTB11 CDS27188 735 + 0.640816
trbP TrbP proteinSubName: Full=TrbP protein; pB4 CDS53964 684 + 0.665205
trfA1 TrfA1SubName: Full=TrfA1; pB4 CDS39425 1224 - 0.661765
trfA1 long form TrfA replication proteinSubName: Full=Long form TrfA replication protein; SubName: Full=Replication initiation protein; SubName: Full=TrfA1; SubName: Full=TrfA1:replication initiation protein; pTP6 CDS10536 1221 - 0.657658
trfA1 transcriptional repressor proteinSubName: Full=Transcriptional repressor protein; SubName: Full=TrfA transcriptional repressor protein; SubName: Full=TrfA transcriptional repressor protein, long form; pTB11 CDS12783 1149 - 0.610966
trfA1 replication initiation proteinSubName: Full=Long form TrfA replication protein; SubName: Full=Replication initiation protein; SubName: Full=TrfA1; SubName: Full=TrfA1:replication initiation protein; pB10 CDS62883 1221 - 0.657658
trfA2 short form TrfA replication proteinSubName: Full=Short form TrfA replication protein; pTP6 CDS10536 855 - 0.636257
trfA2 TrfA2 proteinSubName: Full=TrfA2 protein; pB4 CDS39425 870 - 0.629885
upf31.0 Upf31.0 proteinSubName: Full=Upf31.0 protein; pB4 CDS55607 675 + 0.663704
upf31.7 Upf31.7 proteinSubName: Full=Major outer membrane lipoprotein; SubName: Full=Uncharacterized protein; SubName: Full=Upf31.7 protein; pTB11 CDS27939 420 + 0.62619
upf32.8 Upf32.8 proteinSubName: Full=Uncharacterized protein; SubName: Full=Upf32.8; SubName: Full=Upf32.8 protein; pTB11 CDS29104 663 + 0.660634
upf54.8 Upf54.8 proteinSubName: Full=Stable inheritance protein; SubName: Full=Upf54.8 protein; pB4 CDS1524 348 - 0.543103
upfA UpfA proteinSubName: Full=Uncharacterized protein; SubName: Full=UpfA protein; pB4 CDS55130 282 + 0.602837
upfB UpfB proteinSubName: Full=Uncharacterized protein; SubName: Full=UpfB protein; pB4 CDS56337 549 + 0.582878