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Organism: Novosphingobium aromaticivorans, F199

Number of genes found: 446

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Novosphingobium aromaticivorans, F199
NameLocus tagProduct / DescriptionGenomic elementTypeBeginLengthStrandGC-content
bphA1a pNL1 misc_feature136038 72 + 0.638889
bphA1a large subunit aromatic oxygenasepNL1 CDS135798 1353 + 0.623799
bphA1b pNL1 misc_feature137708 24 + 0.541667
bphA1b pNL1 misc_feature138059 27 + 0.481481
bphA1b pNL1 misc_feature137957 72 + 0.625
bphA1b pNL1 misc_feature137738 36 + 0.611111
bphA1b large subunit aromatic oxygenasepNL1 CDS137696 1368 + 0.61038
bphA1c pNL1 misc_feature162371 27 + 0.555556
bphA1c pNL1 misc_feature163175 51 + 0.607843
bphA1c large subunit aromatic oxygenasepNL1 CDS162302 1263 + 0.60966
bphA1c pNL1 misc_feature162560 72 + 0.694444
bphA1c pNL1 misc_feature162605 24 + 0.625
bphA1d large subunit aromatic oxygenasepNL1 CDS156111 1281 - 0.618267
bphA1d pNL1 misc_feature156621 24 - 0.583333
bphA1e large subunit aromatic oxygenasepNL1 CDS129441 1176 - 0.593537
bphA1f pNL1 misc_feature15254 27 - 0.555556
bphA1f large subunit naph/bph dioxygenasepNL1 CDS13952 1380 - 0.584058
bphA2a small subunit aromatic oxygenasepNL1 CDS137143 528 + 0.632576
bphA2b large subunit aromatic oxygenasepNL1 CDS139078 552 + 0.581522
bphA2b pNL1 misc_feature139174 24 + 0.583333
bphA2c small subunit aromatic oxygenasepNL1 CDS161789 489 + 0.562372
bphA2d pNL1 misc_feature155743 27 - 0.518519
bphA2d small subunit aromatic oxygenasepNL1 CDS155626 489 - 0.576687
bphA2e small subunit aromatic oxygenasepNL1 CDS128947 498 - 0.586345
bphA2f small subunit naph/bph dioxygenasepNL1 CDS13402 525 - 0.533333
bphA2f pNL1 misc_feature13414 27 - 0.518519
bphA3 ferredoxin subunit aromatic oxygenasepNL1 CDS161463 327 + 0.58104
bphA4 pNL1 misc_feature133343 51 - 0.647059
bphA4 pNL1 misc_feature133088 51 - 0.607843
bphA4 ferredoxin reductase subunit aromatic oxygenasepNL1 CDS132605 1227 - 0.645477
bphB pNL1 misc_feature144911 87 - 0.643678
bphB pNL1 misc_feature145352 51 - 0.823529
bphB dihydrodiol dehydrogenasepNL1 CDS144626 801 - 0.630462
bphC pNL1 misc_feature161241 66 + 0.606061
bphC dihydroxy naphthalene/biphenyl dioxygenasepNL1 CDS160518 900 + 0.628889
bphD 2-hydroxy-6-oxo-6-phenylhexa-2,4-dienoatehydrola sepNL1 CDS180675 861 - 0.606272
bphE 2-oxopent-4-enoate hydratasepNL1 CDS181675 816 + 0.64951
bphF 4-hydroxy-2-oxovalerate aldolasepNL1 CDS182500 789 + 0.638783
bphK glutathione S-transferasepNL1 CDS154979 606 - 0.632013
bphR pNL1 misc_feature134839 42 - 0.619048
bphR pNL1 misc_feature135340 24 - 0.416667
bphR regulator aromatic degradative pathwayspNL1 CDS133945 1641 - 0.620963
bphR pNL1 misc_feature134692 894 - 0.62528
isA transposase, fusion orf777 and orf780pNL1 CDS102735 947 + 0.646251
isAa pNL1 misc_feature103628 24 + 0.708333
isAa transposase C-terminuspNL1 CDS103208 474 + 0.64135
isAb transposase N-terminuspNL1 CDS102735 387 + 0.658915
isAb pNL1 misc_feature102990 51 + 0.666667
matRa groupII intron-associated maturasepNL1 CDS43724 1902 + 0.58938
matRa pNL1 misc_feature44063 24 + 0.5
nahD 2-hydroxychromene-2-carboxylate isomerasepNL1 CDS163561 594 + 0.604377
nahD pNL1 misc_feature163948 51 + 0.666667
nahD pNL1 misc_feature163792 33 + 0.636364
nahE 1, 2-dihydroxybenzylpyruvate aldolasepNL1 CDS130659 987 - 0.633232
nahF pNL1 misc_feature174344 36 + 0.611111
nahF salicylaldehyde dehydrogenasepNL1 CDS173522 1440 + 0.646528
nahF pNL1 misc_feature174260 24 + 0.75
orf003 pNL1 sig_peptide1123 72 - 0.513889
orf003 pNL1 misc_feature535 51 - 0.529412
orf003 pNL1 misc_feature1033 51 - 0.647059
orf003 pNL1 misc_feature148 51 - 0.627451
orf003 pNL1 misc_feature256 51 - 0.490196
orf003 pNL1 misc_feature772 51 - 0.568627
orf003 pNL1 misc_feature430 51 - 0.568627
orf003 pNL1 misc_feature685 51 - 0.509804
orf003 pNL1 misc_feature67 51 - 0.588235
orf003 pNL1 misc_feature334 51 - 0.54902
orf003 pNL1 misc_feature862 51 - 0.627451
orf003 pNL1 misc_feature952 51 - 0.54902
orf003 unknownpNL1 CDS10 1185 - 0.586498
orf007 regulatorpNL1 CDS1343 852 - 0.575117
orf007 pNL1 misc_feature1415 24 - 0.375
orf015 pNL1 misc_feature2598 15 + 0.733333
orf015 unknownpNL1 CDS2388 930 + 0.555914
orf015 pNL1 misc_feature2451 51 + 0.568627
orf015 pNL1 misc_feature3123 15 + 0.6
orf015 pNL1 misc_feature2649 51 + 0.588235
orf015 pNL1 misc_feature2964 51 + 0.568627
orf015 pNL1 misc_feature2547 51 + 0.509804
orf015 pNL1 misc_feature2877 51 + 0.509804
orf015 pNL1 misc_feature2712 15 + 0.533333
orf024 unknownpNL1 CDS3380 1320 + 0.622727
orf029 unknownpNL1 CDS4704 933 + 0.670954
orf029 pNL1 misc_feature5277 51 + 0.745098
orf041 pNL1 misc_feature5841 51 - 0.607843
orf041 unknownpNL1 CDS5637 411 - 0.632603
orf041 pNL1 sig_peptide5958 90 - 0.611111
orf041 pNL1 misc_feature5757 51 - 0.647059
orf041 pNL1 misc_feature5682 51 - 0.647059
orf045 pNL1 misc_feature6208 24 - 0.541667
orf045 unknownpNL1 CDS6058 285 - 0.603509
orf047 pNL1 misc_feature7044 24 - 0.5
orf047 3-isopropylmalate dehydrogenasepNL1 CDS6387 1068 - 0.626405
orf047 pNL1 misc_feature7344 51 - 0.686275
orf058 unknownpNL1 CDS7468 1014 - 0.616371
orf064 unknownpNL1 CDS8507 963 - 0.576324
orf064 pNL1 misc_feature9080 21 - 0.47619
orf064 pNL1 misc_feature9350 27 - 0.518519
orf1038 unknown, possibly crypticpNL1 CDS139680 408 + 0.556373
orf1038 pNL1 sig_peptide139680 99 + 0.545455
orf1042 pNL1 misc_feature140640 33 + 0.787879
orf1042 unknown, possibly crypticpNL1 CDS140133 2118 + 0.559018
orf1042 pNL1 misc_feature141300 51 + 0.666667
orf1042 pNL1 misc_feature141507 27 + 0.407407
orf1126 pNL1 misc_feature152900 51 - 0.784314
orf1126 unknownpNL1 CDS152582 432 - 0.673611
orf1126 pNL1 misc_feature152921 33 - 0.818182
orf1126 pNL1 misc_feature152816 24 - 0.458333
orf1126 pNL1 misc_feature152672 51 - 0.588235
orf114 unknownpNL1 CDS15469 930 + 0.603226
orf114 pNL1 misc_feature16060 51 + 0.568627
orf114 pNL1 misc_feature16267 51 + 0.568627
orf114 pNL1 misc_feature15691 36 + 0.666667
orf114 pNL1 misc_feature15883 51 + 0.529412
orf114 pNL1 misc_feature16339 51 + 0.568627
orf114 pNL1 misc_feature15985 51 + 0.509804
orf114 pNL1 misc_feature15721 51 + 0.588235
orf114 pNL1 misc_feature15622 51 + 0.686275
orf114 pNL1 misc_feature15811 51 + 0.54902
orf114 pNL1 misc_feature15535 51 + 0.588235
orf114 pNL1 misc_feature16159 51 + 0.607843
orf1158 pNL1 misc_feature157630 24 - 0.666667
orf1158 unknownpNL1 CDS157402 993 - 0.651561
orf1201 pNL1 misc_feature164729 27 + 0.666667
orf1201 pNL1 sig_peptide164183 72 + 0.555556
orf1201 unknownpNL1 CDS164183 2181 + 0.600642
orf121 pNL1 misc_feature17319 51 - 0.627451
orf121 pNL1 misc_feature16995 51 - 0.588235
orf121 pNL1 misc_feature17334 33 - 0.666667
orf121 pNL1 misc_feature17421 51 - 0.509804
orf121 pNL1 misc_feature16929 51 - 0.588235
orf121 pNL1 misc_feature17229 51 - 0.45098
orf121 pNL1 misc_feature17895 51 - 0.54902
orf121 pNL1 misc_feature16506 51 - 0.607843
orf121 putative aromatic efflux pump inner membrane proteinpNL1 CDS16461 1530 - 0.589543
orf121 pNL1 misc_feature17106 51 - 0.54902
orf121 pNL1 misc_feature17904 78 - 0.615385
orf121 pNL1 misc_feature17589 51 - 0.568627
orf121 pNL1 misc_feature17685 51 - 0.568627
orf1217 pNL1 misc_feature168229 27 + 0.444444
orf1217 unknownpNL1 CDS166474 2499 + 0.597039
orf1233 semialdehyde dehydrogenasepNL1 CDS169105 1473 + 0.643585
orf1233 pNL1 misc_feature169954 36 + 0.583333
orf1233 pNL1 misc_feature169855 66 + 0.621212
orf1233 pNL1 misc_feature169870 24 + 0.666667
orf1244 pNL1 sig_peptide170735 126 + 0.634921
orf1244 decarboxylasepNL1 CDS170735 615 + 0.643902
orf1244 pNL1 misc_feature170834 66 + 0.621212
orf1251 unknownpNL1 CDS171352 573 + 0.636998
orf1251 pNL1 sig_peptide171352 93 + 0.72043
orf1272 pNL1 misc_feature175353 27 + 0.481481
orf1272 pNL1 misc_feature176298 27 + 0.592593
orf1272 unknownpNL1 CDS174975 1461 + 0.627652
orf1280 unknownpNL1 CDS176432 225 + 0.644444
orf1300 unknownpNL1 CDS178726 231 - 0.554113
orf1302 unknownpNL1 CDS178929 153 - 0.535948
orf1303 unknownpNL1 CDS179092 318 - 0.566038
orf1307 unknownpNL1 CDS179406 603 - 0.598673
orf1313 unknownpNL1 CDS180052 606 - 0.60231
orf1313 pNL1 misc_feature180391 51 - 0.588235
orf132 pNL1 misc_feature18999 51 - 0.627451
orf132 putative aromatic efflux pump membrane proteinpNL1 CDS17997 1146 - 0.652705
orf1338 unknownpNL1 CDS183291 1167 + 0.652099
orf1338 pNL1 misc_feature183840 51 + 0.607843
orf140 pNL1 misc_feature20531 33 - 0.666667
orf140 putative aromatic efflux pump outer membrane proteinpNL1 CDS19139 1452 - 0.683884
orf140 pNL1 sig_peptide20552 39 - 0.589744
orf151 pNL1 misc_feature20763 51 - 0.647059
orf151 unknownpNL1 CDS20580 414 - 0.652174
orf154 pNL1 misc_feature21305 27 - 0.62963
orf154 unknownpNL1 CDS20990 744 - 0.669355
orf158 pNL1 misc_feature22080 51 + 0.607843
orf158 pNL1 misc_feature21954 24 + 0.583333
orf158 Marr family regulatorpNL1 CDS21948 447 + 0.608501
orf158 pNL1 misc_feature22290 24 + 0.625
orf158 pNL1 misc_feature22188 51 + 0.647059
orf158 pNL1 misc_feature22131 48 + 0.604167
orf158 pNL1 misc_feature22278 63 + 0.634921
orf165 unknownpNL1 CDS22683 216 + 0.625
orf169 unknownpNL1 CDS22945 192 + 0.588542
orf171 unknownpNL1 CDS23174 732 - 0.606557
orf178 unknown; putative inner membrane proteinpNL1 CDS23985 285 + 0.585965
orf178 pNL1 misc_feature24135 51 + 0.588235
orf178 pNL1 sig_peptide23985 129 + 0.581395
orf181 pNL1 misc_feature25139 27 - 0.62963
orf181 pNL1 misc_feature24977 39 - 0.589744
orf181 putative DNA invertasepNL1 CDS24293 882 - 0.611111
orf181 pNL1 misc_feature24938 66 - 0.590909
orf191 unknownpNL1 CDS25516 852 + 0.701878
orf198 unknownpNL1 CDS26374 312 - 0.650641
orf203 pNL1 misc_feature27236 21 - 0.619048
orf203 putative replication protein BpNL1 CDS26780 984 - 0.585366
orf229 unknownpNL1 CDS31132 843 + 0.642942
orf235 pNL1 misc_feature33753 30 + 0.566667
orf235 pNL1 misc_feature33402 27 + 0.592593
orf235 pNL1 misc_feature35820 51 + 0.607843
orf235 pNL1 misc_feature32616 21 + 0.52381
orf235 pNL1 misc_feature32070 51 + 0.647059
orf235 Probably methylase/helicasepNL1 CDS31995 4278 + 0.656381
orf261 unknownpNL1 CDS36259 1140 - 0.639474
orf271 unknownpNL1 CDS37635 591 - 0.610829
orf277 putative excisionasepNL1 CDS38238 459 - 0.590414
orf277 pNL1 misc_feature38310 24 - 0.541667
orf282 putative plasmid stabilization proteinpNL1 CDS38857 2118 + 0.651558
orf282 pNL1 misc_feature39547 24 + 0.5
orf299 unknownpNL1 CDS41047 1668 + 0.649281
orf310 exonI protein similar to replication primase N-terminuspNL1 CDS42711 384 + 0.619792
orf332 exonII protein similar to replication primase N-terminuspNL1 CDS45628 393 + 0.631043
orf332 pNL1 misc_feature45937 24 + 0.583333
orf338 putative phage type integrase/recombinasepNL1 CDS46175 1392 + 0.645833
orf347 pNL1 misc_feature47656 24 + 0.541667
orf347 pNL1 misc_feature49123 51 + 0.666667
orf347 pNL1 misc_feature49051 33 + 0.636364
orf347 unknownpNL1 CDS47563 1788 + 0.64877
orf363 unknownpNL1 CDS49347 2226 + 0.647799
orf382 similar to N-terminus replication primasespNL1 CDS51617 903 + 0.634551
orf382 pNL1 misc_feature52313 51 + 0.627451
orf385 exonIII protein similar to replication primase N-terminus and to Rhizobium Y4eCpNL1 CDS52516 273 + 0.600733
orf389 unknownpNL1 CDS52876 657 + 0.675799
orf392 unknownpNL1 CDS53544 288 + 0.625
orf392 pNL1 misc_feature53781 24 + 0.625
orf396 unknownpNL1 CDS54045 162 + 0.592593
orf404 pNL1 misc_feature55506 48 + 0.583333
orf404 pNL1 misc_feature54756 24 + 0.5
orf404 GroupII intron-associated maturasepNL1 CDS54543 1716 + 0.581002
orf416 unknownpNL1 CDS56255 444 + 0.65991
orf422 unknownpNL1 CDS56695 252 + 0.65873
orf424 pNL1 misc_feature57317 51 - 0.745098
orf424 unknownpNL1 CDS56951 489 - 0.668712
orf429 unknownpNL1 CDS57528 729 - 0.61454
orf429 pNL1 misc_feature58080 33 - 0.606061
orf433 pNL1 misc_feature58527 33 + 0.575758
orf433 unknownpNL1 CDS58338 1956 + 0.583333
orf447 unknownpNL1 CDS60290 1602 + 0.568664
orf460 unknownpNL1 CDS62242 1008 + 0.59127
orf468 pNL1 misc_feature63399 21 + 0.47619
orf468 pNL1 misc_feature63852 21 + 0.428571
orf468 unknownpNL1 CDS63249 1614 + 0.563197
orf480 unknownpNL1 CDS64859 1524 + 0.591864
orf490 pNL1 misc_feature68762 3 - 0.666667
orf490 pNL1 misc_feature66527 27 - 0.407407
orf490 unknownpNL1 CDS66431 2388 - 0.549414
orf505 unknownpNL1 CDS68841 165 - 0.49697
orf510 unknownpNL1 CDS69427 549 + 0.681239
orf514 unknownpNL1 CDS70134 357 + 0.64986
orf514 pNL1 misc_feature70251 51 + 0.607843
orf514 pNL1 misc_feature70134 135 + 0.614815
orf520 unknownpNL1 CDS70728 663 + 0.684766
orf520 pNL1 misc_feature71136 42 + 0.714286
orf527 unknownpNL1 CDS71453 441 + 0.673469
orf531 unknownpNL1 CDS71905 324 + 0.682099
orf537 unknownpNL1 CDS72649 738 + 0.689702
orf544 unknownpNL1 CDS73393 1353 - 0.675536
orf544 pNL1 misc_feature73987 24 - 0.75
orf544 pNL1 misc_feature74485 27 - 0.703704
orf556 unknownpNL1 CDS74779 585 - 0.673504
orf563 unknownpNL1 CDS75408 690 + 0.652174
orf569 pNL1 misc_feature76115 60 - 0.733333
orf569 pNL1 misc_feature76466 39 - 0.666667
orf569 RNA polymerase signa E (sigma 24)pNL1 CDS76094 546 - 0.690476
orf583 pNL1 sig_peptide77508 54 + 0.62963
orf583 pNL1 misc_feature77676 45 + 0.755556
orf583 unknownpNL1 CDS77508 345 + 0.701449
orf590 unknownpNL1 CDS77912 192 + 0.697917
orf590 pNL1 sig_peptide77912 48 + 0.708333
orf597 regulatorpNL1 CDS78937 480 + 0.641667
orf630 unknownpNL1 CDS83673 246 + 0.654472
orf633 unknownpNL1 CDS83915 390 + 0.674359
orf633 pNL1 sig_peptide83915 117 + 0.641026
orf638 pNL1 misc_feature85058 24 + 0.583333
orf638 unknownpNL1 CDS84320 873 + 0.605956
orf647 unknownpNL1 CDS85205 276 - 0.630435
orf649 unknownpNL1 CDS85500 1488 - 0.625
orf659 unknownpNL1 CDS87091 744 - 0.65457
orf666 unknownpNL1 CDS87971 1044 + 0.655172
orf679 unknownpNL1 CDS89068 384 + 0.632812
orf679 pNL1 misc_feature89125 33 + 0.727273
orf680 unknownpNL1 CDS89448 312 + 0.61859
orf681 unknownpNL1 CDS89819 447 + 0.626398
orf690 pNL1 misc_feature90828 21 + 0.714286
orf690 unknownpNL1 CDS90570 291 + 0.639175
orf704 pNL1 misc_feature94657 24 + 0.75
orf704 pNL1 misc_feature94372 24 + 0.708333
orf704 pNL1 misc_feature93529 27 + 0.555556
orf704 pNL1 misc_feature94165 51 + 0.705882
orf704 DNA helicasepNL1 CDS93181 3042 + 0.665023
orf704 pNL1 misc_feature95818 21 + 0.619048
orf721 unknownpNL1 CDS96464 204 + 0.651961
orf724 pNL1 sig_peptide96687 69 + 0.594203
orf724 unknownpNL1 CDS96687 357 + 0.677871
orf729 unknownpNL1 CDS97152 2442 + 0.608518
orf729 pNL1 misc_feature97347 24 + 0.625
orf729 pNL1 misc_feature97296 24 + 0.75
orf753 unknownpNL1 CDS99699 216 + 0.652778
orf756 unknownpNL1 CDS100124 222 + 0.581081
orf758 regulatorpNL1 CDS100348 801 - 0.655431
orf766 pNL1 misc_feature101297 51 + 0.568627
orf766 pNL1 misc_feature101528 51 + 0.72549
orf766 unknownpNL1 CDS101252 717 + 0.62622
orf771 pNL1 misc_feature102088 27 + 0.555556
orf771 pNL1 misc_feature102220 51 + 0.470588
orf771 unknownpNL1 CDS102073 222 + 0.54955
orf816 unknownpNL1 CDS108667 411 - 0.690998
orf843 pNL1 misc_feature113098 51 - 0.72549
orf843 unknownpNL1 CDS112966 267 - 0.689139
orf843 pNL1 misc_feature113059 66 - 0.681818
orf851 pNL1 misc_feature114020 24 - 0.541667
orf851 pNL1 misc_feature113981 24 - 0.625
orf851 Conjugal transfer proteinpNL1 CDS113921 1107 - 0.69467
orf851 pNL1 misc_feature114866 51 - 0.803922
orf851 pNL1 misc_feature114347 51 - 0.72549
orf857 pNL1 misc_feature115239 51 - 0.647059
orf857 unknownpNL1 CDS115017 363 - 0.663912
orf857 pNL1 misc_feature115089 51 - 0.666667
orf857 pNL1 misc_feature115314 21 - 0.761905
orf857 pNL1 misc_feature115269 33 - 0.636364
orf876 pNL1 misc_feature118316 51 - 0.72549
orf876 pNL1 misc_feature118757 51 - 0.72549
orf876 unknownpNL1 CDS118097 1044 - 0.704023
orf883 protein disulfide-isomerasepNL1 CDS119137 897 - 0.686734
orf883 pNL1 sig_peptide119893 141 - 0.673759
orf912 pNL1 sig_peptide123420 96 - 0.65625
orf912 pNL1 misc_feature123231 51 - 0.764706
orf912 unknownpNL1 CDS123201 315 - 0.688889
orf912 pNL1 misc_feature123300 51 - 0.705882
orf915 unknownpNL1 CDS124303 522 + 0.599617
orf916 unknownpNL1 CDS123680 534 + 0.565543
orf921 unknownpNL1 CDS124835 276 + 0.619565
orf921 pNL1 misc_feature124988 66 + 0.530303
orf921 pNL1 sig_peptide124835 42 + 0.690476
orf921 pNL1 misc_feature125021 51 + 0.529412
orf925 pNL1 misc_feature125428 87 - 0.586207
orf925 pNL1 sig_peptide125809 66 - 0.515152
orf925 transglycosylasepNL1 CDS125077 798 - 0.576441
orf933 unknownpNL1 CDS126055 669 - 0.591928
orf938 unknownpNL1 CDS126716 699 - 0.622318
orf942 unknownpNL1 CDS127407 393 - 0.56743
orf946 unknownpNL1 CDS127877 1011 - 0.5727
pchC pNL1 sig_peptide178168 63 + 0.539683
pchC pNL1 misc_feature178357 24 + 0.416667
pchC pNL1 misc_feature178270 18 + 0.611111
pchC pNL1 misc_feature178183 33 + 0.575758
pchC cytochrome subunit p-cresol methylhydroxylasepNL1 CDS178168 366 + 0.576503
pchFa flavoprotein subunit p-cresol methylhydroxylasepNL1 CDS171921 1560 + 0.599359
pchFb flavoprotein subunit p-cresol methylhydroxylasepNL1 CDS176670 1467 + 0.644172
pchFb pNL1 misc_feature177546 66 + 0.621212
ppdK pyruvate phosphate dikinasepNL1 CDS9523 2667 - 0.626172
ppdK pNL1 misc_feature10765 36 - 0.805556
repAa RepA replication proteinpNL1 CDS27995 1263 - 0.572447
repAa pNL1 misc_feature28397 51 - 0.54902
repAb RepA replication proteinpNL1 CDS29754 1305 + 0.580077
repAb pNL1 misc_feature30387 21 + 0.52381
ssbR single strand binding proteinpNL1 CDS78315 336 + 0.636905
tnpA transposon protein ApNL1 CDS82225 1215 - 0.619753
tnpA pNL1 misc_feature82792 51 - 0.72549
tnpB transponson protein BpNL1 CDS80102 2133 - 0.628692
tnpB pNL1 misc_feature80159 27 - 0.666667
tnpB pNL1 misc_feature81038 51 - 0.607843
tnpC transposon protein CpNL1 CDS79449 657 - 0.592085
traB pNL1 misc_feature120611 51 - 0.705882
traB pNL1 misc_feature121241 51 - 0.686275
traB sex pilus assembly and synthesis proteinpNL1 CDS120044 1377 - 0.668845
traC sex pilus assembly and synthesis proteinpNL1 CDS115376 2571 - 0.655776
traC pNL1 misc_feature115379 2568 - 0.656153
traC pNL1 misc_feature116513 24 - 0.708333
traD Conjugal DNA metabolismpNL1 CDS90847 2331 + 0.628486
traD pNL1 misc_feature92503 30 + 0.6
traD pNL1 misc_feature91006 51 + 0.607843
traD pNL1 misc_feature91582 24 + 0.75
traD pNL1 misc_feature91258 51 + 0.588235
traD pNL1 misc_feature91438 24 + 0.708333
traE pNL1 misc_feature122733 51 - 0.666667
traE pNL1 misc_feature122736 66 - 0.621212
traE sex pilus assembly and synthesis proteinpNL1 CDS122214 624 - 0.634615
traF pilus assembly and synthesis proteinpNL1 CDS107858 813 - 0.662977
traF pNL1 sig_peptide108611 60 - 0.65
traF pNL1 misc_feature108152 33 - 0.575758
traF pNL1 misc_feature108548 24 - 0.708333
traG pNL1 misc_feature104079 24 - 0.541667
traG pNL1 misc_feature105090 51 - 0.627451
traG pNL1 misc_feature106248 51 - 0.588235
traG pNL1 misc_feature105354 51 - 0.588235
traG sex pilus assembly and mating pair stabilization proteinpNL1 CDS103653 2739 - 0.629792
traH pNL1 sig_peptide107751 108 - 0.75
traH pNL1 misc_feature106578 24 - 0.666667
traH pilus assembly and synthesis proteinpNL1 CDS106404 1455 - 0.644674
traK sex pilus assembly and synthesis proteinpNL1 CDS121420 795 - 0.657862
traK pNL1 sig_peptide122080 135 - 0.711111
traL sex pilus assembly and synthesis proteinpNL1 CDS122851 285 - 0.578947
traN pNL1 misc_feature109409 51 - 0.745098
traN pNL1 misc_feature109250 24 - 0.708333
traN mating pair stabilization proteinpNL1 CDS109058 2115 - 0.646336
traN pNL1 misc_feature109712 21 - 0.619048
traN pNL1 sig_peptide111119 54 - 0.703704
traU sex pilus assembly and synthesis proteinpNL1 CDS111947 1023 - 0.647116
traU pNL1 misc_feature112358 33 - 0.666667
traU pNL1 misc_feature111983 21 - 0.52381
traU pNL1 misc_feature112202 27 - 0.666667
traU pNL1 sig_peptide112895 75 - 0.733333
traW pNL1 sig_peptide113844 81 - 0.728395
traW sex pilus assembly and synthesis proteinpNL1 CDS113229 696 - 0.66092
trbC pNL1 sig_peptide111852 87 - 0.643678
trbC sex pilus assembly and mating pair formation proteinpNL1 CDS111174 765 - 0.682353
xylA pNL1 misc_feature143658 27 + 0.62963
xylA pNL1 misc_feature144165 51 + 0.509804
xylA xylene monooxygenase electron transfer subunitpNL1 CDS143526 1041 + 0.601345
xylA pNL1 misc_feature143526 54 + 0.462963
xylB pNL1 misc_feature13138 45 - 0.622222
xylB pNL1 misc_feature12745 51 - 0.72549
xylB benzyl alcohol dehydrogenasepNL1 CDS12262 1098 - 0.611111
xylC pNL1 misc_feature146451 33 - 0.575758
xylC pNL1 misc_feature146070 36 - 0.611111
xylC pNL1 misc_feature146166 24 - 0.708333
xylC pNL1 misc_feature146346 51 - 0.470588
xylC pNL1 misc_feature146928 21 - 0.380952
xylC pNL1 misc_feature146622 24 - 0.5
xylC benzaldehyde dehydrogenasepNL1 CDS145458 1506 - 0.61089
xylE catechol 2, 3 dioxygenasepNL1 CDS153016 924 - 0.588745
xylE pNL1 misc_feature153145 66 - 0.606061
xylF 2-hydroxymuconic semialdehyde hydrolasepNL1 CDS153958 852 - 0.623239
xylG pNL1 misc_feature152027 54 - 0.648148
xylG 2-hydroxymuconic semialdehyde dehydrogenasepNL1 CDS151058 1518 - 0.639657
xylG pNL1 misc_feature151640 36 - 0.638889
xylG pNL1 misc_feature151736 24 - 0.583333
xylH 4-oxalocrotonoate tautomerasepNL1 CDS147254 243 - 0.641975
xylI 4-oxalocrotonate decarboxylasepNL1 CDS147498 771 - 0.638132
xylI pNL1 misc_feature147858 51 - 0.686275
xylJ 2-hydroxypent-2, 4-dienoate hydratasepNL1 CDS150259 795 - 0.649057
xylK 4-hydroxy-2-oxovalerate aldolasepNL1 CDS148270 1032 - 0.623062
xylL pNL1 sig_peptide131797 183 + 0.612022
xylL pNL1 misc_feature132229 87 + 0.712644
xylL dihydroxy cyclohexadiene carboxylate dehydrogenasepNL1 CDS131797 789 + 0.633714
xylM pNL1 misc_feature143024 51 + 0.647059
xylM xylene monooxygenase hydroxylase subunitpNL1 CDS142340 1104 + 0.622283
xylM pNL1 misc_feature143279 51 + 0.647059
xylM pNL1 misc_feature142961 51 + 0.529412
xylM pNL1 sig_peptide142340 93 + 0.591398
xylM pNL1 misc_feature143063 27 + 0.481481
xylM pNL1 misc_feature142544 51 + 0.607843
xylQ acetaldehyde dehydrogeanse (acylating)pNL1 CDS149298 939 - 0.628328
xylT pNL1 misc_feature147094 21 - 0.619048
xylT ferredoxin-like proteinpNL1 CDS146983 282 - 0.599291
xylX large subunit toluate/benzoate dioxygenasepNL1 CDS158872 1416 - 0.610169
xylX pNL1 misc_feature159769 24 - 0.583333
xylX pNL1 misc_feature159916 72 - 0.694444
xylY small subunit toluate/benzoate dioxygenasepNL1 CDS158378 495 - 0.610101