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COG category: Signal transduction mechanisms
Genomic element: pHCG3

Number of genes found: 5

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Oligotropha carboxidovorans, OM5 = DSM 1227
NameLocus tagProduct / DescriptionUniProt / TrEMBL protein nameGenomic elementTypeBeginLengthStrandGC-content
coxC CoxC pHCG3 CDS27015 1209 + 0.55914
coxH CoxH pHCG3 CDS36235 1203 + 0.544472
hoxA regulator of NtrC-family pHCG3 CDS53519 1326 - 0.598039
hupT hydrogen uptake histidine kinase pHCG3 CDS66672 1434 - 0.595537
raiR transcriptional-activation protein RaiR pHCG3 CDS13342 501 - 0.572854