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COG category: Inorganic ion transport and metabolism
Genomic element: pCC7120beta

Number of genes found: 14

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Nostoc sp. PCC 7120
NameLocus tagProduct / DescriptionUniProt / TrEMBL protein nameGenomic elementTypeBeginLengthStrandGC-content
all7592 cation transporting ATPaseSubName: Full=Cation transporting ATPase; pCC7120beta CDS84478 2175 - 0.467586
all7601 manganese transport proteinRecName: Full=Divalent metal cation transporter MntH; pCC7120beta CDS91780 1329 - 0.429646
all7602 SubName: Full=All7602 protein; pCC7120beta CDS93177 339 - 0.377581
all7610 cation efflux system proteinSubName: Full=Cation efflux system protein; pCC7120beta CDS100204 915 - 0.459016
all7617 SubName: Full=All7617 protein; pCC7120beta CDS107654 417 - 0.410072
all7618 cation efflux system proteinSubName: Full=Cation efflux system protein; pCC7120beta CDS108102 3177 - 0.425559
all7627 SubName: Full=All7627 protein; pCC7120beta CDS121593 1200 - 0.4375
all7631 cation efflux system proteinSubName: Full=Cation efflux system protein; pCC7120beta CDS127102 3126 - 0.435061
all7673 SubName: Full=All7673 protein; pCC7120beta CDS176547 342 - 0.421053
alr7530 SubName: Full=Alr7530 protein; pCC7120beta CDS23914 597 + 0.463987
alr7587 SubName: Full=Alr7587 protein; pCC7120beta CDS80941 1362 + 0.43906
alr7622 cation-transporting ATPaseSubName: Full=Cation-transporting ATPase; pCC7120beta CDS114464 2640 + 0.443561
alr7635 cation-transporting ATPaseSubName: Full=Cation-transporting ATPase; pCC7120beta CDS133964 2262 + 0.45756
asr7638 SubName: Full=Asr7638 protein; pCC7120beta CDS137907 195 + 0.405128