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COG category: Inorganic ion transport and metabolism
Genomic element: pYVe227

Number of genes found: 2

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Yersinia enterocolitica, W22703
NameLocus tagProduct / DescriptionUniProt / TrEMBL protein nameGenomic elementTypeBeginLengthStrandGC-content
arsB arsenite pump transmembrane protein ArsBRecName: Full=Arsenical pump membrane protein; AltName: Full=Arsenic efflux pump protein; pYVe227 CDS61041 1290 - 0.547287
arsC arsenate reductase ArsCRecName: Full=Arsenate reductase; EC=; AltName: Full=Arsenical pump modifier; pYVe227 CDS60603 426 - 0.495305