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COG category: Replication, recombination and repair
Genomic element: R751

Number of genes found: 7

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Enterobacter aerogenes
NameLocus tagProduct / DescriptionUniProt / TrEMBL protein nameGenomic elementTypeBeginLengthStrandGC-content
NA TnpASubName: Full=TnpA; R751 CDS13470 1005 + 0.482587
int IntSubName: Full=Int; SubName: Full=Integrase; R751 CDS31911 1014 - 0.610454
ssb SSBRecName: Full=Single-stranded DNA-binding protein; R751 CDS16496 342 - 0.596491
tniA TniASubName: Full=TniA; SubName: Full=Transposase; R751 CDS37288 1680 - 0.647024
tniC TniCSubName: Full=Invertase; SubName: Full=TniC; R751 CDS34478 624 - 0.634615
tnpA TnpASubName: Full=TnpA; R751 CDS10389 1005 - 0.474627
traE TraESubName: Full=TraE; R751 CDS44279 2064 - 0.669089