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COG category: Replication, recombination and repair
Genomic element: pRC18

Number of genes found: 5

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Lactobacillus casei, CRL705
NameLocus tagProduct / DescriptionUniProt / TrEMBL protein nameGenomic elementTypeBeginLengthStrandGC-content
NA transposase-like proteinSubName: Full=Transposase-like protein; pRC18 CDS13324 840 + 0.378571
NA putative transposase IS1070SubName: Full=Putative transposase IS1070; pRC18 CDS15447 930 - 0.441935
NA transposase-like proteinSubName: Full=Transposase-like protein; pRC18 CDS4606 801 - 0.35206
NA IS putative transposaseSubName: Full=IS putative transposase; pRC18 CDS12749 537 + 0.370577
NA putative integrase/recombinaseSubName: Full=Putative integrase/recombinase; pRC18 CDS1766 588 + 0.403061