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COG category: Replication, recombination and repair
Genomic element: pB171

Number of genes found: 20

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Escherichia coli, B171
NameLocus tagProduct / DescriptionUniProt / TrEMBL protein nameGenomic elementTypeBeginLengthStrandGC-content
bfpM SubName: Full=BfpM protein; pB171 CDS14259 330 + 0.506061
impB SubName: Full=ImpB protein; pB171 CDS56128 687 + 0.525473
orf22 TransposaseSubName: Full=ISEc16, orfB; SubName: Full=Transposase; pB171 CDS19071 867 - 0.55248
orf23 RecName: Full=Transposase InsE for insertion sequence IS3; pB171 CDS19934 300 - 0.503333
orf27 SubName: Full=Orf27 protein; pB171 CDS22914 453 - 0.496689
orf34 TransposaseSubName: Full=ISEc16, orfB; SubName: Full=Transposase; pB171 CDS30507 867 + 0.55248
orf38 SubName: Full=Orf38 protein; pB171 CDS33972 228 + 0.557018
orf39 SubName: Full=Orf39 protein; pB171 CDS34224 414 - 0.524155
orf42 SubName: Full=Orf42 protein; SubName: Full=Transposase/IS protein; pB171 CDS36277 342 + 0.494152
orf48 SubName: Full=Orf48 protein; pB171 CDS40866 264 - 0.496212
orf54 SubName: Full=Orf54 protein; SubName: Full=Transposase and inactivated derivative; pB171 CDS45846 828 + 0.481884
orf55 TransposaseSubName: Full=Transposase; pB171 CDS46912 1152 - 0.459201
orf56 SubName: Full=IS911, transposase orfB; SubName: Full=Orf56 protein; pB171 CDS48194 426 + 0.553991
orf59 SubName: Full=Orf59 protein; pB171 CDS49226 1509 + 0.534791
orf60 SubName: Full=Orf60 protein; pB171 CDS50887 417 + 0.532374
orf64 InsBSubName: Full=IS1 transposase orfB; SubName: Full=InsB; pB171 CDS54884 396 - 0.512626
orf65 InsASubName: Full=InsA; pB171 CDS55306 273 - 0.494505
orf78 SubName: Full=Orf78 protein; pB171 CDS66507 783 + 0.505747
rsvA ResolvaseSubName: Full=Resolvase; pB171 CDS1590 537 - 0.612663
rsvB ResolvaseSubName: Full=Resolvase; pB171 CDS59745 810 - 0.57037