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COG category: Secondary metabolites biosynthesis, transport and catabolism
Gene type: CDS
Gene type: CDS
Genomic element: chromosome 1

Number of genes found: 54

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Vibrio parahaemolyticus RIMD 2210633, O3:K6
NameLocus tagProduct / DescriptionGenomic elementTypeBeginLengthStrandGC-content
VP0073 conserved hypothetical proteinchromosome 1 CDS85240 780 + 0.542308
VP0112 methyltransferase-related proteinchromosome 1 CDS118899 675 + 0.456296
VP0207 putative oxidoreductase (flagellin modification)chromosome 1 CDS217516 762 + 0.41601
VP0367 putative glycerol metabolism operon regulatory proteinchromosome 1 CDS366397 1926 - 0.454309
VP0808 oxidoreductase, short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase familychromosome 1 CDS840902 828 - 0.466184
VP0870 long-chain-fatty-acid-CoA ligasechromosome 1 CDS902659 1692 + 0.471631
VP0880 hypothetical proteinchromosome 1 CDS912790 1692 + 0.443262
VP0881 putative beta-ketoacyl-ACP synthasechromosome 1 CDS914577 1224 - 0.508987
VP0882 putative beta-ketoacyl-ACP reductasechromosome 1 CDS915797 726 - 0.501377
VP0884 putative 3-oxoacyl-ACP synthasechromosome 1 CDS916976 1188 - 0.493266
VP0894 putative acyl carrier proteinchromosome 1 CDS927752 258 - 0.406977
VP0895 putative acyl carrier proteinchromosome 1 CDS928025 261 - 0.394636
VP0899 putative O-methyltransferasechromosome 1 CDS930277 1086 + 0.449355
VP0928 menaquinone-specific isochorismate synthasechromosome 1 CDS965361 1308 + 0.478593
VP0933 o-succinylbenzoic acid-CoA ligasechromosome 1 CDS971155 1443 + 0.469161
VP1034 SmtA proteinchromosome 1 CDS1083047 792 + 0.440657
VP1044 conserved hypothetical proteinchromosome 1 CDS1094332 972 - 0.477366
VP1045 conserved hypothetical proteinchromosome 1 CDS1095416 738 - 0.447154
VP1115 biotin synthesis protein BioCchromosome 1 CDS1175022 807 + 0.453532
VP1120 oxidoreductase, short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase familychromosome 1 CDS1178614 726 + 0.475207
VP1276 imidazolonepropionasechromosome 1 CDS1352828 1251 - 0.480416
VP1296 thiopurine methyltransferasechromosome 1 CDS1376066 651 + 0.445469
VP1350 putative oxidoreductasechromosome 1 CDS1433110 1131 + 0.480106
VP1351 conserved hypothetical proteinchromosome 1 CDS1434250 1038 + 0.479769
VP1361 putative ABC transport system permease proteinchromosome 1 CDS1444008 1074 + 0.445996
VP1363 ABC transporter, ATP-binding proteinchromosome 1 CDS1445091 807 + 0.427509
VP1364 possible ABC transport system periplasmic substrate-binding proteinchromosome 1 CDS1445890 972 + 0.421811
VP1368 hypothetical proteinchromosome 1 CDS1453907 648 + 0.416667
VP1630 putative calcium-binding outer membrane-like proteinchromosome 1 CDS1729061 6666 - 0.4952
VP1704 sigma-54 dependent transcriptional regulatorchromosome 1 CDS1814629 1761 + 0.46167
VP1732 oxidoreductase, short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase familychromosome 1 CDS1847844 795 + 0.484277
VP1909 conserved hypothetical proteinchromosome 1 CDS1994232 1287 - 0.508159
VP1910 conserved hypothetical proteinchromosome 1 CDS1995531 540 - 0.453704
VP1911 extracellular solute-binding protein, family 7chromosome 1 CDS1996196 1089 - 0.477502
VP1952 hypothetical proteinchromosome 1 CDS2044249 711 + 0.455696
VP1964 putative long-chain-fatty-acid-CoA ligasechromosome 1 CDS2054705 1542 - 0.464332
VP1987 hypothetical proteinchromosome 1 CDS2082167 549 - 0.47541
VP1994 putative isochorismatase-related proteinchromosome 1 CDS2089391 525 + 0.428571
VP2002 hypothetical proteinchromosome 1 CDS2096960 705 - 0.439716
VP2033 oxidoreductase, short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase familychromosome 1 CDS2131194 747 + 0.483266
VP2052 3-oxoacyl-(acyl-carrier-protein) synthase IIchromosome 1 CDS2152681 1251 - 0.470823
VP2053 acyl carrier proteinchromosome 1 CDS2154025 234 - 0.41453
VP2054 3-oxoacyl-(acyl-carrier-protein) reductasechromosome 1 CDS2154504 735 - 0.478912
VP2120 oxidoreductase, short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase familychromosome 1 CDS2224867 684 + 0.48538
VP2145 histone deacetylase/AcuC/AphA family proteinchromosome 1 CDS2256659 909 - 0.438944
VP2146 putative oxidoreductase proteinchromosome 1 CDS2257838 690 + 0.468116
VP2160 rRNA (guanine-N1-)-methyltransferasechromosome 1 CDS2273530 837 + 0.456392
VP2194 3-oxoacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] synthase Ichromosome 1 CDS2307363 1212 - 0.480198
VP2294 putative SAM-dependent methyltransferasechromosome 1 CDS2404144 756 - 0.466931
VP2661 hypothetical proteinchromosome 1 CDS2811951 639 - 0.43662
VP2662 putative ABC superfamily transport proteinchromosome 1 CDS2812592 489 - 0.431493
VP2663 putative ABC superfamily transport proteinchromosome 1 CDS2813083 792 - 0.492424
VP2664 ABC transporter, ATP-binding proteinchromosome 1 CDS2813864 804 - 0.472637
VP2944 O-methyltransferase-related proteinchromosome 1 CDS3148707 855 - 0.472515