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Genomic elements of uncultured bacterium
Generate gene lists for all genes or for specific COG functional categories
[AJ564903.1, , 64508 bp, 2003-06-14].
Generate gene lists for all genes or for specific COG functional categories
[AJ431260.1, , 79370 bp, 2002-03-01].
Generate gene lists for all genes or for specific COG functional categories
[AJ271879.1, , 10687 bp, 2000-02-17].
Generate gene lists for all genes or for specific COG functional categories
[AJ698325.1, , 47829 bp, 2004-10-30].
Generate gene lists for all genes or for specific COG functional categories
[AJ744860.1, , 68869 bp, 2004-09-30].
Generate gene lists for all genes or for specific COG functional categories
[AM048832.1, Genes with a number suffix with no dash indicate alternate start positions in a single gene. Genes with a number suffix after a dash ('-') distinguish multiple similar genes within this sequence., 54344 bp, 2005-10-20].
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