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Genomic elements of Streptomyces coelicolor, A3(2)
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[AL645882.2, join(AL939104.1:1..299050,AL939105.1:51..291000,AL939106.1:51.. 314100, AL939107.1:51..298450,AL939108.1:51..339650,AL939109.1:51..277000, AL939110.1:51..283100,AL939111.1:51..321250,AL939112.1:51..30, 8667507 bp, 2002-07-18].
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[AL589148.1, Notes: Streptomyces coelicolor sequencing at The Sanger Centre is funded by the BBSRC and Beowulf Genomics Details of S. coelicolor sequencing at the Sanger Centre are available on the World Wide Web., 356023 bp, 2002-07-18].
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